Don't just hang out with people who are hot and who make you look good instead, spend time with the people who you respect and like the most. If you're truly hot, then you should be able to see past the exterior and to know which people are worth knowing. It's a myth that really hot people are only nice to other hot people and ignore the people "below" them. However, if you doubt yourself too much, then people will believe that you are weak and not confident, which you must exude in order to be supposedly "hot". When you have doubts, talk to a close friend instead of letting everyone around know that you're feeling insecure. You don't have to act happy with yourself all the time.

If you walk around looking like you're waiting to get noticed or like you don't know who you are, then you won't come off as hot.

Be proud and happy with who you are, walk with your head high, and talk about positive things and things that make you happy. Hot people know they're hot and have the confidence to back it up.